Technology Requirements Met
You don't have to worry about HL7 or any other "standard"
There is an integration standard called HL7. Actually there are 8 versions of HL7 and you would get mired in the muck if you had to worry about all of them. The multiple HL7 versions and other "standards" are our problem to deal with. We provide you with one standardized JSON structure to implement in your software. Do that and it will work the same way whether the EHR is on-site at the facility or in the cloud.
Note: If you are comfortable with HL7 and want to send and receive HL7, Q supports that as well.
Send and Receive Patient Data
You have implemented our standardized JSON structure. Great! [now what?] Well your software can receive this JSON structure for all messages sent from the EHR. This includes new/updated patient information, new/updated/canceled appointments, clinical documentation, observation results, and the whole gamut of EHR messaging.
Your software can send any message type that it can receive. Q will poll your API endpoint for JSON messages destined for the EHR (using a schedule that you determine).
Prep for FHIR
Q is forward-compatible with FHIR because it keeps itself updated with the latest modules for FHIR and other standards. This means that you don't have to worry about FHIR - we do.
Simply implement our standardized JSON structure and you will be ready for FHIR without ever changing your software.
Interested in more detail on FHIR? Click Here
Business Challenges Addressed
Sell your clients on you - and only you
The technology folks at medical facilities want to work with you - not a third-party company. You normally have to tell them about your integration software vendor unless you build it yourself. This can create delays as they have to research and vet the integration software vendor. Not anymore.
When you use Q for your integration software it is private-labeled under your brand, using your logo. MI7 integration experts even get on the phone with your client as you. We are a part of your team. Our experts will answer all of the tough questions from the technology staff all in support of you.
Launch, enter 6 numbers, and click continue
MI7 has made site installation of our software the most simple in the industry. You only need to find someone to open the installer program and enter a 6-digit launch code.
That's it. Q is typically installed within 35-45 seconds.
Bring on as many clients as you can handle
The Q software creates a direct connection between your clients and your data center. This means that Q itself doesn't have to scale because the data never goes to MI7. Our dashboard can tell you how many messages you are sending and receiving each day to help your tech staff know when to add more servers on your side.
Security Risks Mitigated
No 3rd party access to your data
We spoke to the largest healthcare networks in the country and they all said the same thing: they don't want 3rd parties looking at the data they send to you. That is why Q creates a direct connection between the medical facility's EHR and your data center.
No more heartbleed over SSL
For years we were told that SSL was protecting our data. That was actually incorrect and the technology leaked all over the place. That is why HIPAA requires Transport Layer Security (TLS) instead of SSL.
We use TLS version 1.2+ to be exact. Your data center staff will install and maintain the TLS certificate on your servers and Q will use it to encrypt the data.
Say goodbye to VPN management nightmares
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) sound like a good idea, until you have to maintain them. VPNs fail for so many reasons.
1. Firewalls can fail to a backup that doesn't have the VPN configuration installed on it.
2. Internet Service Providers can be changed.
3. Firewalls can be replaced with a new vendor's hardware.
4. IP addresses get changed.
That is why Q doesn't use a VPN, it uses a dynamic connection that doesn't require any changes to the firewall. Technology staff at the medical facility don't have to adjust their security infrastructure at all.
Compliance Tasks Implemented
We don't mess with your data
By law your medical facility clients need to enter into a Business Associate Agreement with companies that handle their data. MI7 doesn't handle the medical facility's data. The data never flows from the medical facility to the MI7 data center.
This provides comfort to everyone involved. There is no need to audit the security infrastructure of the MI7 data center because your client's data never passes through us on its way to you.
We have deep knowledge with HIPAA
Each one of our staff members go through extensive HIPAA training. Secondly, our Chief Security Officer has over 15 years in healthcare from both the private and public sectors.
Our software and practices are built on a model of continuous improvement from both the security and compliance perspectives.
No Joint Commission roadblocks
Your hospital clients will be pulling their hair out once per year when they do their big JCAHO audit. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Organizations require specific security plans to be in place. You can rest easy, MI7 places you in complete control of all connections. You have the power to remotely disable and uninstall Q at any of your client's facilities should it be required or requested.
We aren't saying this will ever happen, but isn't it nice knowing you have it already in place?