Podcast: The Dirty Truth About Interoperability

Can you believe that I actually said we should make interoperability obsolete?
Last week I was interviewed by Jason Mason on The Connected Hospital podcast and we discussed the challenges facing many digital health organizations. You can listen to The Dirty Truth About Interoperability online or on your favorite Podcast app.
Interoperability as defined by HIMSS is the "ability of health information systems to work together within and across organizational boundaries in order to advance the effective delivery of healthcare for individuals and communities".
Sounds simple but often times that data is hidden behind a fortress that is not easily accessible to organizations who have the goal of improving the patient care and experience.
Check out how MI7 is working to COMMODITIZE and DEMOCRATIZE interoperability here.
Happy Listening, Zac
Topics: Austin, Healthcare Technology, Digital Health, Fhir, Innovation, Hl7, Health Technology, Integration